About Us

westport sign

Who Are We?

Westport Squares of Madison, Wisconsin is a mainstream level square dance club. We dance every 1st, 3rd, and 5th Fridays of the month and PLUS dances every 2nd Friday, from 7:00 to 9:30 PM

A Brief History of the Westport Squares

The Westport Square Dance Club held its first dance on June 25, 1955. Art Weisensel was the caller and 23 couples attended. The dancing fee was $1.00 a couple and Art received $15.00. The first beginners class began April 11, 1956. Our dances have been held from almost the beginning in a converted cheese house that serves as the town hall for Westport. This small cozy building has a wood floor and is a favorite for all dancers in the area. Art Weisensel served as club caller until his untimely death in 1975. Will Ferderer then became club caller until about 1980 when we went to a guest caller only format. Don Niva taught our new dancer lessons until 2008 when Tom Nickel became the teacher. In 1995 to 2008 Westport had "plus" level dancing with Don Niva calling to satisfy a growing demand. In 2011 Tom Nickel began "plus" dances on the 2nd Friday of the month. Today after 66 years of dancing Westport is still a viable fun club with many active friendly members.

We received some unfortunate news from the Town of Westport that they were going to demolish the old Town Hall with it's beautiful wood floor to make way for a new maintenance facility. We were given about a months notice to move our equipment and find a new dance location. One of our dance locations is, Lakeview Lutheran Church at 4001 Mandrake Rd. in Madison. Check our Dance Schedule for the location of our dances.

Club Officers

  • President: Robin & John Ertl
  • VP Caller/Cuer Scheduling: Byron & Jan Dennison
  • VP Lessons: Virginia Boehm
  • VP Publicity & Marketing: Mary & Dan Albrecht
  • Treasurer: Dave Crowley
  • Food Chairman: Carrie Crowley
  • SW-SDAW Representative: Jan Pitas
  • Contact Secretary: Virginia Boehm

Current Information

  • Club dances are held every 1st, 3rd, & 5th Fridays from 7:00-9:30 PM
  • Westport PLUS dances are held 2nd Fridays from 7:00-9:30 PM
  • Our main dance location is: Lakeview Lutheran Church at 4001 Mandrake Rd, Madison
  • The Cost is $7.00 per person and $3.00 for youth under 18.
  • The club dances Mainstream with 4th tip being PLUS. Two Phase 2 round dances are between each square dance tip.
  • Square dance attire is optional during hot summer months.
  • Square dance lessons begin every September.
  • Contact - Eldon & Virginia (608) 535-9461 or nk9uarrl@sbcglobal.net
At Westport Squares You Come as a Guest and Leave as a Friend